Enfoliv – Ampelopsis Cantoniensis



+ Ampelopsis catoniensis Planch.


+ Extract powder


+ Dihydromyricetin

+ Myricetin


Eradicating HP bacteria, Anti-inflammatory, healing ulcers, Neutralize gastric juice, Heat clearing, detoxifying, sedative


Food, Nutraceutical, Pharmaceutical.

Product Information

Ampelopsis cantoniensis (Vine Tea) is called “Che day” in Vietnam and has been used as a traditional treatment for inflammatory diseases. In folk medicine, "che day" is used as a daily tea substitute, supporting the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers, clearing heat, cooling the liver, detoxifying, sedating, and helping to sleep.


In the world, Vine tea has been studied, classified and identified scientifically from the first half of the 19th century. In Vietnam, until 1912, it was officially recognized as Ampelopsis cantoniensis Planch.

It is a relatively familiar medicinal plant for the
Tay and Nung ethnic groups in the provinces of Lang Son, Cao Bang, Bac Kan, Viet Nam.

Ampelopsis cantoniensis (Vine Tea) is called “Che day” in Vietnam and has been used as a traditional treatment for inflammatory diseases. In folk medicine, "che day" is used as a daily tea substitute, supporting the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers, clearing heat, cooling the liver, detoxifying, sedating, and helping to sleep.


Two pure Flavonoids have been isolated, namely myricetin and 2,3 - dihydromyricetin. These are the two main active ingredients of vine tea.

In Vietnam, there is no tree with active ingredient content up to 40% like vine tea


What effects does Vine Tea have?


Many people with chronic stomach diseases have used many Eastern and Western medicines but to no avail, but when they were told to look for the tea plant to treat the disease, they had unexpected results. Let's review the 4 effects of green tea:


Effect of eradicating HP bacteria:


Is a type of spirochete that exists in 80% of the Vietnamese population, transmitted through food, saliva, sharing bowls and chopsticks... in the majority of healthy people HP spirochete exists peacefully with other bacteria, but with people with stomach pain, this spirochete is an extremely dangerous bacteria. The first step in treating stomach disease is to eliminate this type of spirochete. “Che day” with natural antibiotic activity is an effective solution in this case. With cleaning and disinfecting mechanism. When using “che day”, bacteria will be cleansed from the stomach lining and the bactericidal mechanism causes these bacteria to gradually die and be eliminated.


Anti-inflammatory, healing ulcers:


After a long period of untreated stomach ulcers become inflamed, eroded and very difficult to heal. Flavonoids have a strong anti-inflammatory effect, so ulcers become astringent and less inflamed. From then on, the ulcer will heal again.


Neutralize gastric juice:


The amount of acid secreted is too much, causing patients with stomach pain, frequent heartburn, dull abdominal pain, and tingling due to its alkaline nature. “Che day” has a strong effect in neutralizing this amount of gastric juice. Therefore, it helps in the healing process and limits excess acid in the stomach.


Heat clearing, detoxifying, sedative:


In addition to its healing mechanism, “che day” also helps the process of eliminating toxins through the liver, helping patients calm down, sleep easily, and reduce stress. Therefore, ‘che day” can be used in support of other medications or independently without causing any side effects or harm.